

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bibi Hayati

Before there was a trace of this world of men,
I carried the memory of a lock of your hair,
A stray end gathered within me, though unknown.

Inside that invisible realm,
Your face like the sun longed to be seen,
Until each separate object was finally flung into light.

From the moment of Time’s first-drawn breath,
Love resides in us,
A treasure locked into the heart’s hidden vault;

Before the first seed broke open the rose bed of Being,
An inner lark soared through your meadows,
Heading toward Home.

What can I do but thank you, one hundred times?
Your face illumines the shrine of Hayati’s eyes,
Constantly present and lovely.

  • Bibi Hayati
  • From: Women in Praise of the Sacred by Jane Hirshfield

Friday, August 13, 2010

Right to the heart of the matter

I have no way to know if this was a scripted moment or an actual snippet from a local-news guy trying to get 20 seconds worthy of air time.

Now that I think about it, does it really matter?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Foundation not of stone

It has been revealing to see how different folks have reacted to the downturn of the world economy. Some who thought they had established a permanent financial foundation discovered it was really sand and the rising water washed it away. They became fearful, distraught, and lost faith in everything.

Others suffered the very same financial disaster but were fine. Their foundation was one of an inner knowing, an innate understanding of universal law: be happy now, and you will know how to be happy anywhere, any time, under any circumstance.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not the mama

Why is it that I struggle so to break into the "women's coach" market? I'm gentle, empathic, nurturing, and a person with male genitalia.

I'm at a loss.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We did not go away!

I am living proof that band geeks, tech geeks, and high-GPA geeks do not die.

No, we simply show up to offer corrections to your blog posts and think we are doing you a favor.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yes, but what about error handling?

I spent a number of years early in my IT career programming computers.

Here's the thing about writing software: coding the straight-ahead path is easy. It is in deciding how to handle the anomalies such as bad user input or a failed connection to another application that the real investment of mental capital takes place.

As I was thinking about this just now, it dawned on me that the same is true of life. It is easy to plan the straight-ahead path, but not so easy to decide what to do when things get sideways and we have to work on getting back on track or decide to change to a different path altogether.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Kleig light in the fridge

Some days, I feel like a 5,000-watt Kleig light being interviewed for the position of .5-watt refrigerator light.

"We're sorry, sir, but you are not the right fit. Nothing personal!"

I so far out-shine the entire situation and all I can do is walk out and continue to shine.

Kleig lights don't belong anywhere except where they can SHINE.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Seth Godin on gifts

This is the last paragraph of this blog post from Seth Godin.

"The way I understand gifts is that the giver must make a sacrifice, create an uneven exchange, bring himself closer to the recipient, create change and do it all with the right spirit. To do anything less might be smart commerce, but it doesn't rise to the magical level of the gift. A day's work for a day's pay is the win/lose mantra of the industrial era. More modern is to view a day's work as a chance to generate gifts that last."

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Your story

Your story is yours, and I promise not to try to argue you out of it.

By the same token, my story is mine, and I expect to be allowed to have it, relish it, embellish it if that's my desire.

If we can agree not to the validity of each others' stories but to our right to have and hold our own, we have a basis for relationship.

Too long to tweet

I actually intended to use the title of this post as the URL of the blog, but it turns out someone else already has chosen that within the Bloggerverse.

All the posts here will be short, probably no more than two or three sentences, and they will all be longer than 140 characters.